Meet the Eel's Small Fry!

No great fish works alone, and the same goes for the Eel. As C.E.O of the River Humber, some of the Eel’s notable minions are her Editorial Small Fry. They act as Eel’s on-land representatives because the Eel finds getting from A-Z a little problematic if there is no one to carry her to her destinations in a fish bowl. 

Meet the Eel’s Small Fry!
Editor In Chief: Nicky Ellam
 By day, Nicky studies for an English Literature degree at The University of Hull, UK.  When she is not wreaking havoc on campus, Nicky co-hosts a monthly spoken word open mic based in Hull called ‘Fresh Ink’. She also writes poetry and short stories. Her work has appeared in the UK, the US and Australia. 

As the Eel’s Editor In Chief, Nicky works very closely with the Eel deciding on which pieces of work to accept for the Eel’s issues as well as the Eel’s site which she also maintains. She deals with all of Eel’s queries and also puts the issues together so they can be sent off to be proof read.

The Eel’s Squidoctopus: Ashley Fisher
Before you ask the answer is no, this is not a pun on the general fish theme. Fisher is honestly his surname. Although not an editor because the Eel and Nicky are very territorial when it comes to their submissions, Ashley is an integral member of the Eel’s Small Fry nonetheless. The Eel met Ashley when he was illegally hunting for pike in the Eel’s seaweed patch, and was so impressed by his clever fish brains she decided not to electrocute him for trespassing. Instead, the Eel decided to punish him by committing him to a lifetime of employment for which he receives no monetary payment. Although this dubious meeting initially forged a hostile relationship based on, ‘This estuary aint big enough for the both of us’, it soon developed into one of friendship and a meeting of minds. Consequently, the Eel decided to make him an honorary piscine species by dubbing him The Squidoctopus – Squid because he spits ink at paper which results in the Eel’s issues being printed, and octopus because of his wonderful ability to multitask. 

Ashley Fisher was born in South Cumbria and has a B.A. and an M.A. from The University of Hull. When he isn’t working for the Eel, Ashley edits a blogzine called Humber Pie and a printed zine called Turbulence. He also writes poetry, and has had numerous poems published in the UK and the US, which he performs all over the country. Ashley founded the monthly spoken word open mic night ‘Fresh Ink’, which has was part of Hull’s Humber Mouth Literary Festival in July 2012.

The Eel’s Proof Reader: Angry Fish.
Angry is Eel’s distant relative from warmer climes. Although only distantly related, Angry has a close relationship with the Eel due to their shared dislike of patriarchy and D.H. Lawrence. Due to this friendship, he is the only fish in the world who is allowed to criticise the Eel’s lifestyle by telling her he thinks she should eat  more plankton and less litter. Angry classes himself as a feminist and is a Guardian reader. He is lazy and usually in a bad mood because he would like to write but finds his fins aren’t always up to it. (He does however take a mean picture, and the Eel gratefully acknowledges him for the picture of Nicky). His bad moods are often exasperated by the Eel summoning him to her Fish Quarters whenever she needs her issues proof reading, and he only agrees to it because the Eel knows everything about his shady past – including the name of his species, which he is slightly ashamed of.